Jesus - King of the Jews!
Thought for the day:
As I prepare to go to Cluj in Romania this month, I’ve been thinking about Jesus Christ; his life; who he was, and still is.  Do you ever do that?
I know that what I’m about to say will upset some people, but, do you know what - I really don’t care; someone has to say it.  I’m tired of hearing lukewarm sermons about Jesus Christ; about how God is a cuddly God and that we can get to heaven by being his friend; by being a good person, etc., etc.
Listen friend; here is the truth - Jesus Christ died for you, because God loves you so much.  You, like me are a sinner; we should have died on that cross.  But Jesus went through the agony, taking on the sin of the world, to set you free, by His blood.  There is no other way to get your sins forgiven; there is no other way to receive eternal life; there is no other way to be at one with God - that’s it!  Anything else is a lie!!!  Check it out in the bible - read it for yourself.
Do you know that Jesus Christ is a Jew; that he was born a Jew, was crucified and died a Jew; was raised from the dead a Jew; ascended into heaven a Jew; is alive today a Jew and is coming back a Jew?  He is King of the Jews!
“You mean that Jesus wasn’t English Alan?!” That’s right, and yet there are people who profess to be Christians that think Jesus was a Westerner?  Can you believe that?  Some people in ‘the Church’ believe that the ‘Christian’ has replaced the ‘Jew’ as ‘God’s people’.  Some churches actually teach this stuff.  All I can say to that if you believe that, please read the bible and let the truth set you free.  We as Christians haven’t replaced God’s chosen people; we have been ‘grafted in’.
Have you ever wondered why our nation (I’m English), is in such a mess?  Do you think it might be something to do with turning our back on God?  What about us as a nation, turning our back on Israel?  Or is this too much to comprehend?
Despite ourselves, we are so loved by God that He sent Jesus, His Son, to  die for us to set us free - and you know what; there is no one else that can do that!  In the bible it says this; ‘Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved’ (Acts 4:12).
It’s good to remind ourselves today that Jesus came to set us free.  Guess what freedom means - that’s it; to be FREE!
Freedom does not mean bound by the past, or by the present, or crippled by sin and guilt; or by unbelief, but Freeeeeeeeee!!!!!  If Jesus sets someone free; they are free indeed (John 8:32,36).
Jesus Christ, the Son  of God died for you and for me that we may have life.
Do you know that repentance brings us to salvation?
Did you know it’s by grace through faith that we are saved?
Do you know that Jesus is the only one that can save you?  If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved (Romans 10:9-10).
Bless you
Jesus - King of Kings
Tuesday, 5 May 2009