Galati - Day 1
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Well, that’s day 1 - praise the Lord
Well, we made it through the 1st day, and what a day!
I am exhausted, but very pleased.  The last event was a Dinner for the Doctors; this in the Viva Hotel.  After a slow start the people came in.  The live music was interspersed with food and a great testimony from a local Doctor of how she came to find Christ in the days of communism.  74 were present at the meeting - 40 guests, from which 10 prayed to receive Jesus; 5 requested more information and 10 signed up for the ‘Next Step’ meeting.  
So, as I look forward to sleep I consider another new day that the Lord has given us.  Tomorrow we are in Tecuci, some 90 minutes away by car - A meeting with the Youth at 1600h, followed by a ‘Couples’ event at 1830h.
Appreciate very much your prayers and support.
Bless you
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