Day 2 - Tecuti
Thursday, 17 April 2008
If only I could show you - Romania!
You know, it is such a joy and a privilege for me to share with you what is happening here.  Today we were in Tecuci; some 80km from Galati.  The church has never done any mission like this, i.e. meal events in restaurants.  It was fantastic; Pastor Nicu, well you would have thought he did this all the time!  So well organised and efficient.  We had a couple of musicians who also pastor a church in Bucharest travel to these meetings - they were excellent; we are so grateful for their ministry.
The first meeting was at 1600h for the Youth.  46 were present at the meeting - 30 guests, from which 3 prayed to receive Jesus; 5 requested more information and 13 signed up for the ‘Next Step’ meeting.  This is an amazing result; the church is so small (until today!), yet today young people not only made decisions for Jesus, but so many want to go to another meeting.
The next meeting was for ‘couples’.  64 were present at the meeting - 48 guests, from which 14 prayed to receive Jesus; 15 requested more information and 18 signed up for the ‘Next Step’ meeting.
I only wish I could explain the beauty and power of what has taken place here today.  We had a few interruptions yet God had everything in hand.  Even the time of decision prayer was interrupted; yet it wasn’t a problem.  The restaurant staff were so attentive to the message about why Jesus came and paid the price for their sin, substituting His life for theirs - you could have heard a pin drop.
God did something very powerful today in Tecuci.  I so wish you could be here to see this.  The best analogy I can think of It is like when you take a photograph of something so beautiful and when you look at the final picture it is a disappointment, because you can’t see everything your eyes saw at the time; we only see in part.
So now to rest and we look forward to a great new day tomorrow where I get to share the Good News with Seniors over breakfast, have lunch with Business and Professionals, followed by a dinner with the Students tomorrow evening.  What a great way to eat - to see souls saved and peoples lives transformed in front of your very eyes.
I appreciate so much your prayers and support.  Please encourage others to pray and get excited by following the ‘Harvest Trail’; share this great news with your friends and churches.  Let’s see even more great salvation stories unfold over the next few days.
Bless you
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