Mission to Lushnje
Wednesday, 23 November 2005
Mission to Lushnje, Albania 2005
The mission to Lushnje in Albania was a great success, with many men, women and children having responded to the proclamation of the Gospel.
After hearing a clear Gospel message followed by a prayer of repentance, the people completed ‘response forms’.   Whilst we know that statistics are not everything they do give us a ‘measure’ of what took place.  The response forms provided opportunity for immediate contact and follow-up, and space for the individual to write positive or negative comments. There were 4 questions with tick boxes to allow an honest response from each individual. 
Question 1 – ‘I have no interest’
Question 2 – ‘The message was clear and I understand more about Jesus’
Question 3 – ‘I prayed the prayer and accepted Jesus’
Question 4 – ‘I would like to know more about Jesus and am open to a meeting’
1180 came under the proclamation of the Gospel - 764 were non-believers
9 stated that they had no interest at all
107 stated that the message was clear and they understood more about Jesus
310 recorded first time decisions for Jesus
55 stated they would like to know more about Jesus and were open to a meeting
At the Combined Churches Rally a further 19 people recommitted their lives to Jesus and 6 more responded to the call wanting to become Evangelists – to reach out to their own people!
We took Colin Brown and Tom Green (two gifted young musicians) with us on this mission. They were great - these men of God supplemented the gospel preaching with music, testimony and song, along with the local musicians from the local churches taking part. It was a great time of seeing the lost saved, the Church being built up - motivated and encouraged, working together in unity, for one sole purpose - to see the people of Lushnje come under the saving power of the Gospel (Rom 1:16).   Their own slogan was - " That Lushnje might be saved ! " 
This was a small evangelistic mission in comparison to others Alan has been involved in, but once again he was amazed at what God can do in the transformation of an individual and a community, no matter what the size.  He has been obedient to the call of the ‘Great Commission’ - follow-up and discipleship is taking place right now.  This is always a very difficult time for Alan personally as he waits to hear what God continues to do in the lives of these men, women and children over the coming days, weeks, months and years.  Please continue to pray for all these people as you feel led.  Pray for the church as they continue the work.  
How can you get involved in this ministry?  You can pray.  Alan was reminded only this morning of the need to pray, by a friend in the United States - Jose Zayas, who has been taking part in a huge evangelistic festival in Central Washington, of a great quote from Billy Graham’s long time Crusade Director – “Action without prayer is arrogance, but prayer without action is hypocrisy”.  That can be so true - evangelism without prayer is arrogance.  We need God’s guidance; His leadership; His power.  Alan implores you to pray. God has already given us the Great Commission - Jesus said to go into all the world, preach the Gospel, make disciples of all nations, baptize them and teach them.  Alan wants to tell as many as he can the Good News about Jesus, in a relevant way.
If so led, you can give a gift to this ministry. This type of evangelism is very costly and yet as you can see from the results, so effective; any amount in the form of a single gift or on the basis of a regular gift is so welcome – it will to enable us to reach out to more people; to enable follow-up activities; to see the lost set free from the crippling effect of sin; to be saved!
Please contact Alan if you are able to help in this ministry in any way God leads you – it is so good to know people are with you.
Thank you again and may God bless you
‘……… Now is the day of salvation’. (2Cor:2)