Mission to Macedonia 5-9 July 2007
Monday, 2 July 2007
Macedonia 5-7 July 2007
What a great privilege!
On Thursday morning of this week, 5th July 2007, John Grant, the Mission Director of the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association and I will be once again going to Macedonia.  The last time we did a mission there was in 2004.
This time I have the wonderful opportunity to speak at 13 events – an estimated 1000 people will hear the ‘life changing’ Kingdom gospel. 
Needless to say I would really appreciate your prayers.  As ever, John Grant (LPEA Mission Director) has done an amazing job of setting up and organising this mission. As the evangelist I will be speaking at all the events. 
Please pray for:
1. God to be glorified
2. God to move in power - salvation coming to every man, women and child – spirit, soul and body
3. The Church to be built and motivated
4. All the finance to be provided – looking at £5000-6000
5. Jimmy – our amazing ‘man on the ground’ in Macedonia
6. The anointing on me as I speak
7. John, myself and our families
8. Smooth and safe travel in light of the recent terrorist activities in the UK
Thank you and God bless you