UK News
Thursday, 16 November 2006
Meeting: Manor Park Christian Centre
Thank you for all your prayers!  As you know I travelled to Manor Park last Sunday morning.  The morning wasn’t without a little hassle; forgot a DVD I was taking, so had to turn back home after 15 mins into journey; approached the M11 turn of the M25, to find the slip road south to London was closed!  A detour north to Harlow ensued, then a quick turn round and headed down the M11 to London.  I arrived on time (surprisingly) and joined the prayer team - what a privilege - I always enjoy being involved in the powerhouse!
What a wonderful sense of God’s presence as we worshipped Him.  My motivational and evangelistic message was framed around Mark 2:1-12 - one minute in I stopped and cued a short video clip, featuring S.M. Lockridge - ‘That’s My King’.  If you haven’t watched this clip, I would encourage you to get hold of a copy; it is amazing.  S.M. Lockridge is with the Lord now, but at one time this American preacher was asked to open a meeting in prayer - what followed is absolutely amazing; c.4 minutes of ‘who Jesus is’.  Following the message I sensed the Lord telling me to pray for those who were sick in the Church - which I did.  After this I invited people who wanted to give their lives to Jesus to come forward - no one came!  I then invited those who had ‘fallen away’ from the Lord; those who wanted to be ‘more bold’ in reaching out to the lost to come forward.  Many started to come forward and the Prayer Ministry team and I prayed for them.  I also felt the Lord asking me to prophesy to individuals; so I did.  Others who wanted prayer were then invited to come forward as they felt led - they came and the Spirit impacted many individuals as we continued in worship.  Following the formal close of the service many came to requesting further prayer; two of whom gave their lives to Jesus and one lovely man felt drawn to a commitment but was a little fearful of taking that step of faith.  I prayed that Jesus would reveal Himself; the man went away smiling and hopeful - I wait to hear the good news!
I left MPCC with a contented heart - what a great time.  It was a privilege to spend time with such wonderful people in a Church that welcomes and expects the Holy Spirit to move in power among them.  I was truly blessed and thank God that I as able to be involved in His Kingdom work.
Thank you once again for your gracious support.
Bless you