Tired but God is good
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Tired but God is good - March 2008!
Yesterday was a very tiring day, with 5 events and very little sleep since we have been here.  Therefore I haven’t been able to update you.
Today saw 2 Church services today.  These were celebration and encouragement services, however I couldn’t not ask if anyone wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour - 1 in the Baptist Church and 5 in the Pentecostal Church.  The lady’s decision to receive Jesus, was, I believe a breakthrough for this Baptist Church.
We went to the neighbouring town of Bosca for the next 2 events.  This was a new thing for these churches and the Pastors were very excited with all the decisions that were made today.
On the way back we were requested to visit the home of  ‘George’.  This man has serious cancer and they can’t do anything else for him.  He was in hospital in Hungary, when one night he had a dream.  He saw himself in a church in Bosca and one missionary or somebody from outside of the country, came and prayed for him.  When he found out that we were coming to do 2 evangelistic events in Bosca, he asked his pastor if we could go and pray for him.  We did that and we hope God will heal him completely.  
After we prayed and read Psalm 91 over him I asked if any of the family would like to receive Jesus after sharing the ‘good news’ with them.  The 4 women and 2 men said, yes, so they prayed to receive Him as their Lord and Saviour.  Their Pastor will take them through that decision and baptism.  How wonderful is that!!  Praise the Lord for His goodness.
After George’s dream in hospital he gave his life to Jesus Christ and was baptised by the Pastor this past Tuesday in his bath tub at home!  6 men carried him into the tub and yet following his baptism he jumped out unaided!!!!!  I really pray that God will heal him totally of this awful cancer.
Over 300 people recorded that they prayed to give their lives to Jesus Christ during this past 3 days; isn’t that just fantastic?  Isn’t God so gracious?  We give Him all the glory.
Thank you for all your prayers.  Please pray for John and me and our families at home as we travel home early tomorrow morning.
Bless you
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