Romania 2007 - an amazing God!
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Isn’t God just so amazing?
One night we had a dinner event for Intellectuals.  An organisation not friendly to what we were doing, heard what was going on with our mission and hastily organised an outdoor event in the park where the teachers/academics would have to attend to present certificates to students.  This was a blow to us as the numbers would be dramatically reduced at our dinner event.  However God had another plan – prior to the meeting the heavens opened with torrential rain, thunder and lightning and an electrical power cut.  Guess what – the guests came to our event! We started the event under candlelight as the power went off just after the food had been cooked.  Just before I was due to speak the lights came back on!  We serve a mighty God!
It is no wonder that at this Dinner event 36 ‘non-believers’ made remarkable decisions - out of the 36, 23 prayed to repent and dedicate their lives to Jesus, 23 requested more information and 20 signed up for the ‘Next Step’ meeting (first stage of discipleship).
Amazing!  Want to read more?  Click here