Monday, 28 August 2006
‘The Dormant Gift Awakens’
Jason and Eileen are from the United States of America; serving the Lord  in Medgidia, Romania.  This is a letter received from Eileen who with her husband Jason were a great help in Romania this year.  I count them as dear friends.
Dear Alan & John,
Testimony: “The Dormant Gift Awakens!”
May 22, 2006 – Louis Palau Evangelistic Outreach
When Alan spoke at the Women’s Coffee event in Medgidia, Romania to about 60 unsaved women I felt a little uncomfortable. The Holy Spirit was dealing with me big time, because I wanted to speak about Jesus to the lost! God was reminding me of when I was 6 years old and said  yes, I receive Jesus’ love in my heart! God’s boldness compelled me to tell those who needed to hear the Gospel no matter what color they were, how old or how intimidating they looked, I was not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The passion to share the Gospel of Christ was re-kindled as I listened to my brother Alan preach with His anointed power and grace. At that moment, I said YES, I will evangelize and win the lost for the kingdom of God!  Later that week, a village leader from the village of Viisoara, asked me to “share” at his church’s first evangelistic outreach for the unsaved women! I was excited to see God working so quickly! At the outreach, God moved and diligently worked in the hearts of His people. Four women received Jesus as their Saviour, all 15 wanted to come back and 5 wanted to be visited in their homes. (I used the same response cards that Alan used at his LPA events.) When I came back to visit the homes of the women, the Holy Spirit was already moving and miracles and deliverance's occurred –demonic oppression ceased and Jesus’ joy stayed! Hallelujah!!! Jesus is Lord!
Currently, I am planning more outreaches to the villages of Viisoara and Mircea Voda. The work continues to progress into a harvest of souls for Jesus! While I attend these events, I am training a team of Romanian women to evangelize as well and to continue to spread the Gospel!
Thank you Alan and John for your obedience for the cause of Christ! Please be encouraged that your labor is not in vain for we don’t always have to see in the natural what God is doing in His kingdom.  
Your Sister in Christ,
Eileen Wiltshire