God is doing something more
Friday, 29 March 2013
Macedonia March 2013
So, what happened in Macedonia? 

This is a brief summary:
810 people in total heard the gospel at the meetings; 473 of these were invited guests.  275 of these guests indicated that they prayed to God, to receive the forgiveness which only comes through repentance and that they want to become followers of Jesus; this equates to 58% of the guests that attended the meetings. 

Two new churches are being started from this outreach.  Some of those attending  the meal events followed up by attending church on the following Sunday.

Two ladies came up to Jimmy after one meeting and said, "We would like to join whatever this is, it is good". 

One lady said that she wants to go straight to Church on Sunday, never mind the Next Step meeting planned for next week!

I met a man at one of the meetings last week who was saved during our last trip in 2012. He is now a regular church member and was baptized last summer. It was very special to see him share his baptismal photograph (pictured above) with another man who had just made a decision at the meeting to follow Jesus and had asked ‘how can I be baptized’?

God is doing something ‘more’:
There was a sense of God doing something ‘more’ during this trip.  We always see responses to the gospel during our outreaches, but it is as though there is an increased thirst and an ‘urgency’ for the gospel taking place in Macedonia – in 11 of the 12 meetings, the response rate was an average 66%, with two as high as 78%.  

So what to do?  Praying for God’s revelation on the next step.

God bless you
